It was worth returning. I purchased on Woot but I was told to contact the seller directly and mention they were owned by amazon to assist in expediting of the return process. Lets see. Day one of return process.

Did not charge(solar or usb) a Sony Z1 which was the only thing I need to charge on it. I left out and moisture in the air got in to it and then sand. From my sand project. Im still hauling sand .

Planting with a Plan in the Vegetable Garden (2015)

My old drain hose that I couldn’t return will be put to good use this week end. Thanks for the idea Almost finished The make shift trellises are from an old bed that was discarded. The raised beds are from old tongue and groove boards in the attic and one with 2×4 is from the shipping freight container of something purchased months prior. image image image image


Rather than dropping seeds and seedlings in random locations, this year’s vegetable garden was planned out over the wintertime. Companion planting, crop rotation, and consideration for plant heights was incorporated to maximize plants and minimize pests. When it came time to start seeds, purchase seedlings, and plan for frosts, this turned out to be a great help to guide the timing, quantity, and locations of vegetable plants.

Here is my garden design for this year in our main Vegetable Garden:
Garden Plans 2014 - draft

Main Vegetable Garden on May 27th, 2014 Main Vegetable Garden on May 27th, 2014

As you can see from this diagram, there are four Neighborhoods in the Vegetable Garden. This makes it easy to group plant families and rotate crops each year so that pests have a harder time finding the plants they like.

Neighborhood A - Brassicas & Friends Neighborhood A – Brassicas & Friends

Neighborhood B - Squash, Tomatoes, & Friends Neighborhood B – Squash, Tomatoes, & Friends

Neighborhood C - Roots & Friends Neighborhood C – Roots & Friends

Neighborhood D - Legumes & Friends Neighborhood D – Legumes…

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Clog drain


Yep this drain was clogged, they used a pressure plunger and then it didn’t work! So blessed new tenant was a plumber and he fixed it so that other money spent literally down the drain.